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What Is....
Big Dog Media TV

Big Dog Media TV helps athletes, Small Business, and individuals get to the next level.

We are a 100% volunteer organization dedicated to helping and supporting athletes and business owners who want to be successful.


We providing filming, editing, and Production through video and social media.


We started with Sports highlights and video and have transitioned into a full service organization supporting all businesses as all levels and size.




New Business Venture...

Big Dog Media TV is excited to announce their partnership with Steam Factory Media.  This partnership will allow Big Dog Media TV to expand its services beyond Football.  We are now supporting the Small Business / Franchise owners by providing them with Commercials, promotions, and marketing to get them to the next level too!   We continue to partnership with those in video and media production to expand our reach and resources.


Our goals is to help and support all businesses and ventures through social media and media of all kinds. 

2008-2019 BIG DOG MEDIA TV, INC .   All rights reserved

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